Three must read articles

1) “Nuclear Israel revisited“, by Joseph Massad. This is a scathing op-ed that defies the (U.S./Israeli) conventional wisdom on nuclear proliferation. It helps put into prospective the history of agression and illegal acquisition of nuclear bombs by Israel. “The United States and Israel, which have been the major threats to world peace and indeed the major global warmongers since World War II, insist on telling the world that Iran, a country whose current regime never invaded any country (but was rather invaded by Saddam’s Iraq in 1981 at the behest of the dictatorial ruling Gulf oil-rich families and their US and French sponsors), is a threat to world peace were it to possess a nuclear device.”

2) “The Open Bigotry of the Neoconservative American Right“, by Mazm Hussain. This piece begins with the Executive Director of the Emergency Committee for Israel, dressed in Arabface, as a case study for the assertion in the title. It then proceeds to give more examples of how famous neocons routinely employ tactics straight from the Jim Crow era. My big takeaway was imagine if Palestinians dressed up liked Jews and said reprehensible things as some type of statement-quasi-political satire; the outcry would be much different than to those who do the same now but in reverse.

3) “GOP and TP on Obama’s foreign policy “successes”, by Glenn Greenwald. This post details yet another example of just how partisan the Democrats and so called ‘progessives’ are. Because Obama, a nice good Democrat, is praised for unilaterally assassinating an American citizen without trial, while George Bush, a big mean Republican, was said to have shredded the constitution just for mere torture. It’s amazing how those who could lampoon Bush for civil liberties abuses could praise Obama when he commits them more egregiously.

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